Walkers urged to help stop spread of tree disease

Visitors to the nation’s National Parks are being urged to help stem the spread of a disease that is killing thousands of trees throughout Europe. Hikers are being asked to take extra care when walking in woods as experts work to assess the impact of ash dieback disease on the fragile landscape.

“If the disease were to take hold in the National Park, it would irreversibly alter the character of our woodlands which in turn would have a dramatic effect on the landscape, altering it forever,” explains Geoff Garrett, the Yorkshire Dales National Park’s Senior Trees and Woodland Officer. “If you have to go into an area full of trees, we would ask you not to visit other similar areas within a 24-hour period and to make sure you clean your boots, car and bicycle tyres, dogs and anything else that may have come into contact with leaves or wood.”

The disease was discovered in the UK earlier this year. It causes leaf loss and kills off the tree’s crown, often resulting in the death of the ash tree. It is caused by the fungus Chalara Fraxinea, which is thought to be transmitted by the wind, insects and rain.

“It is impossible to say with any accuracy how many well-established ash trees we have in the National Park,” adds Garrett, “but it’s in the order of hundreds of thousands – perhaps even millions. On top of that, we have planted about 250,000 new ones in the last 10 years – and they are all at risk from this disease. So far we have found no symptoms of it but we would ask people to take extra care when they are out enjoying this beautiful place.”

For more information, visit the Forestry Commission’s Forest Research Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service at www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/infd-8w9euv. Image by dichohecho.

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