Archive for night-walking

Brian Jones: Comets & Planets

Brian Jones: Comets & Planets

Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

This Spring, the evening twilight sky will be playing host to Comet PanStarrs, as Jupiter and Saturn put on a show…

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Brian Jones: Spring stars

Brian Jones: Spring stars

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Although not particularly bright, Polaris lies in an area of sky devoid of bright stars and therefore stands out quite well…

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Brian Jones: Wintry skies

Brian Jones: Wintry skies

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

The winter night sky contains a large number of brilliant stars, making it easier to pick out the various star patterns…

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The coldest walk

The coldest walk

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Fancy walking 4,000 kilometres in pitch darkness in temperatures as low as -90° Celsius? No, us neither, but that’s exactly what veteran explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes will attempt to do on his latest expedition…

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Routemaster in-depth: Make a night of it

Routemaster in-depth: Make a night of it

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

On a night-time walk through Galloway Forest, Paul Lamarra explores the UK’s only Dark Sky Park, where pure, unadulterated views of the galaxies await…

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Brian Jones: Autumn stars

Brian Jones: Autumn stars

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

The autumn night sky plays host to Cassiopeia, which can be found at or near the overhead point during the months of autumn…

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Brian Jones: Summer sky sights

Brian Jones: Summer sky sights

Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Walk’s resident astronomer looks at a rare planetary alignment then turns his eye to the summer skies…

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Hunting Orion in the Peak District

Hunting Orion in the Peak District

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

Help monitor the impact of light pollution by scouring the skies for Orion over the Peak District this weekend…

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Brian Jones: Spring skies

Brian Jones: Spring skies

Friday, February 24th, 2012

During winter evenings, the faint constellation Camelopardalis can be spotted a little to the north of the overhead point. To find it, you first of all need to find Polaris…

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Brian Jones: Winter stars

Brian Jones: Winter stars

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

During winter evenings, the faint constellation Camelopardalis can be spotted a little to the north of the overhead point. To find it, you first of all need to find Polaris…

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