Archive for psychogeography

My Perfect Day: Iain Sinclair

My Perfect Day: Iain Sinclair

Friday, May 25th, 2012

The writer and film-maker talks to walk about stalking London and his antipathy towards the Olympics…

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Sounding out the route

Sounding out the route

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Looking for something extra to add to your walks around the city or out in the countryside? A growing library of audio tours, guides and art helps add another dimension to your excursions…

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Mythogeography: A guide to walking sideways

Mythogeography: A guide to walking sideways

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

The act of walking can be a political protest, personal expression, spiritual discovery and geographical deconstruction…

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Will Self: In praise of industrial estates

Will Self: In praise of industrial estates

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Will Self balks at the crowded and ‘pre-packaged’ outdoors of Britain’s beauty spots, recommending the solitude of an ‘unlovely’ urban walk instead

A couple of years ago, the writer Nick Royle and I decided that we would undertake the Three Peaks Challenge. We’d get another rambling writer to join us, raise sponsorship and give the proceeds to charity. However, it transpired that there were grave environmental concerns about the peaks. The sheer numbers of sponsored walkers clambering up Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon were leading to catastrophic erosion, denudation of flora, scaring off of fauna – not to mention the large quantities of plastic water bottles that were left behind by these charitable folk.

In truth, I’ve never considered doing a sponsored walk since my age reached double digits, but I liked the idea of three writers/three peaks. I suppose it was naïve of me not to have realised the extent to which these eminences would’ve become a magnet for people who would never normally go walking. After all, I’ve been a walker all my life and I’ve noticed that the words ‘area of outstanding natural beauty’ attract Gore-tex the way sugar does wasps.

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